ACR provides a full suite of cultural resource services. Since 1999, ACR has surveyed over 150,000 acres in the western United States. We provide quality resource products and services to a wide range of federal, state and private agencies, and clients. We are dedicated to completing a wide range of cultural resource projects efficiently and at reasonable rates.
![1860s Military Equipment](images/whatwedopic1.png)
If your UXO project requires archeological services, ACR is your one-stop archeological resource. We can help take you from initial project research to a finding of no effect or no adverse effect for cultural resources. In addition, ACR’s archeologists can do double duty working both as archeologists and UXO Tech 1s. When not actively documenting archeology, ACR’s archeological monitors will not be standing idle; they will be working as UXO Tech 1s reducing the total number of personnel required for a project! This double duty cost savings can be passed on to your client, helping your company win contracts and repeat business.
Ordnance within archeological survey area.